Suicide Prevention Week Sept 9 – 15
Posted by CDR Help Desk on Sep 10, 2018 in Blog | 0 comments

World Suicide Prevention Day is September 10th, National Suicide Prevention Week is September 9-15, and September is International Suicide Prevention Month. Many health organizations across the world observe this month and host awareness events to help prevent suicide.
Suicide in Canada
Every day approximately 10 Canadians die by suicide, 9 of them were known to be living with a mental health problem. Between the ages of 20 to 64 men account for approximately 75% of suicides and women account for just over half of the self-harm hospitalizations. For children aged 10 and up, and young adults aged 20 to 29 suicide is the second leading cause of death. For every suicide death, there are 5 self-harm hospitalizations and up to 30 previous suicide attempts.
Increasing Suicide Rates in Women
More men than women die by suicide in both Canada and the USA. However, between 2000 and 2016 in the USA the rate of women who died by suicide rose 50% compared to a 21% increase for men. In Canada, the change has been less stark, but between 2011 and 2015 there was a 15% increase in female suicide compared to a 12% increase in males. Experts agree it is hard to determine the underlying causes for this increase in suicide rates. Men are at risk for not receiving treatment due to perceived stigma and not wanting to admit to a mental health problem. Whereas the Canadian Women’s Foundation suggests stress and experiencing violence as possible reasons for women being more prone to suicide.
Suicide Prevention
It isn’t realistic to shoulder the burden of trying to prevent a loved one’s suicide, however, if you notice some of the following warning signs it could be an indication that they need help:
- increased substance use
- anxiety, agitation, insomnia
- feelings of being trapped, of having no reason to live, or hopelessness
- withdrawal from loved ones
- dramatic mood changes including anger, recklessness
If you feel concerned take a look at the Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention page for concerned loved ones here. If you are looking for a drug and alcohol rehab that focuses on mental health and feelings of depression or suicidal ideation contact our specialist for assistance.
- Suicide Rates Among Canadian Women are Rising Faster than Men. It’s Unclear Why.
- Suicide in Canada
- Know the Warning Signs of Suicide
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